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Style Guide

Color Palette

Main Color Scheme



Used for text, icons, and background.



Used mainly for backgrounds.



Used when an accent is needed.

Colors for Vector Images








Diagonal Stripes

Image File Link

Border: 1px

Size: 417b

This is the only pattern that may be used on this website.


Header 1

Font: Fira Sans Condensed; Font Size: 50px; Color: #201c20.

Header 2

Font: Fira Sans Condensed; Font Size: 1.8em; Color: #201c20.

Header 3

Font: Fira Sans Condensed; Font Size: 1.5em; Color: #201c20.

This is a secondary title. It should be no longer than 120 characters.

Font: fira_sans_condensed; Font Size: 22px; Color: #50505f.

This is body copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Font: Open Sans; Font Size: 1em; Color: #201c20.

This is an inline link.

Color: #0878b8; Font Weight: 600.

Styling text


Font Style: Italic.


Strong Emphasis

Font Weight: 600.

<strong>Strong Emphasis</strong>

Stronger Emphasis

Font Weight: 600; Font Style: Italic.

<strong><em>Stronger Emphasis</em></strong>

Strongest Emphasis

Font Weight: 600; Color: #0878b8; Font Style: Italic. This should be used sparingly, as it is easy to confuse with a link.

<span class="strongest-em">Strongest Emphasis</span>

Lazy-Loading Shadow Image Holder


Placeholder Image Alt Text


<div class="shadow-image-holder">
<img src="https://www.WorkLawyers.com/wp-content/uploads/greenpixel.png"
alt="Placeholder Image Alt Text"
height="344" />





<a href="https://www.example.com" class="blue-button">Button</a>

Emphasis Block



This block of text can be used to highlight a rule of law, provide an example, or emphasize some particular issue.


<div class="example-block">
<p class="example-heading">Example<i class="icon-highlight example-heading-icon"></i></p>
<p class="example-body">This block of text can be used to highlight a rule of law, provide an example, or emphasize some particular issue.</p>

Icon List


  • A list
  • Can be used
  • To give examples.


<ul class="entry-list-post">
<li><i class="icon-pen4 icon-list-post-icon"></i>A list</li>
<li><i class="icon-pen4 icon-list-post-icon"></i>Can be used</li>
<li><i class="icon-pen4 icon-list-post-icon"></i>To give examples.</li>

The class labeled “icon-pen4” can be replaced by any available icon. The full list of icons can be found here.



Footnotes are an easy way to provide sources to the user without inconveniencing users who don’t care about authority.1 They can also be used to explain a tangentially-related topic.2 WordPress plugins automatically generate footnotes when enclosed with a predefined shortcode.


Footnotes are an easy way to provide sources to the user without inconveniencing users who don't care about authority.[footnote]Like this.[/footnote] They can also be used to explain a tangentially-related topic.[footnote]Oxford Dictionary defines "tangential" to mean: "In a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally."[/footnote] WordPress plugins automatically generate footnotes when enclosed with a predefined shortcode.

Table of Contents



To automatically generate a table of contents, simply insert the following short code on the line before the first subheading:


Putting It All Together

Titles Should Be Fewer Than 65 Characters

Article subtitles are a place to explain what the page is about and why users should continue reading. They should include all target keywords.

1080x540 Placeholder

The initial portion of text must be an introduction. The introduction comes before the first heading (and the table of contents if one is included in the article). The first paragraph must include all keywords.

The Rule

It might be a good idea to give users the basic legal rule right up front.

Most paragraphs should three or four lines in length.3 No paragraph may exceed five lines.

Heading Level 1

Placeholder Image Alt Text

Headings should describe the content within that section.

Write body copy naturally, and do not keyword stuff.

Heading Level 2

Every article should include at least a few headings. Each target keyword should appear in one or more headings.

No headings are given to a section unless that portion of the article can be divided into at least two subsections.

Consider providing links to relevant sources if they might be useful to the reader.

Heading Level 2

Headings can be written in either:

  • Full sentences that explain a concept. If this option is selection, normal sentence capitalization and punctuation should be used.
  • Short section titles. If this option is chosen, the headings should be given headline capitalization, with no ending punctuation.

Whatever option is chosen, it must remain consistent throughout the entirety of the document.

Heading Level 1

Users expect a conclusion at the end of an article. Although they will rarely read it, use it as an opportunity to explain why a lawyer can help the user in their situation.

Citation Formatting Examples

State Case

Doe v. ACME, Inc. (2016) 123 Cal.App.4th 45, 56 [quotes and cases summaries go here].


Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co. v. Darden (1992) 503 U.S. 318, 326 [quotes and cases summaries go here].

Ninth Circuit Case

Pacific Merchant Shipping Ass'n v. Aubry (9th Cir. 1990) 918 F.2d 1409, 1419.

State Statute

Labor Code, § 203.

State Regulation

Cal. Code of Regs., tit. 8, § 11010.

Federal Regulation

29 C.F.R. § 541.400.

Steps to Follow When Uploading Static Files

  1. If you have created a new post recently, you must first correct the footnotes by doing the following:
    • Add <span class="wsnw"> to the word or punctuation mark before the opening footnote tag.
    • Replace [footnote] with [footnote]<span class="wsn">
    • Replace [/footnote] with </span>[/footnote]</span>
  2. Generate the static files by going to Tools -> WP Static HTML Output -> Click on the Link Labeled “Start Static Site Export”
  3. If the input areas in the static output plugin are empty, paste in the following: http://localhost/worklawyers.com/404-oops/
  4. Download and Unzip the generated static file package
  5. In the static file folder, batch delete
    <base href="https://www.WorkLawyers.com" />
  6. Batch replace
    localhost/worklawyers.com with
  7. Batch replace
    worklawyers.com/worklawyers.com with
  8. Batch replace
    wp2.worklawyers with
  9. Batch replace
    worklawyers.net with
  10. Batch replace
    WorkLawyers.net with
  11. Batch replace
    http://www.worklawyer with
  12. If any previously-unused icons have been used, download an updated icon file from https://icomoon.io/
  13. Upload all files to DigitalOcean

Iconography: A Complete List

A complete list of available icons can be found here: https://www.WorkLawyers.com/self/fonts/icomoon-worklawyers/demo.html

(Caution: Because of the file size, it may be slow to load.)

  1. Like this.

  2. Oxford Dictionary defines “tangential” to mean: “In a way that relates only slightly to a matter; peripherally.”

  3. All factual propositions must be supported with a citation in a footnote.

Work Lawyers PCMay 30, 2017January 3, 2019

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